Heiji Hattori Funny Geometry Rage Comics

:bulletgreen: :bulletyellow: Heiji Hattori :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen:

Heijis first love

Heiji discovered 8 years ago a little girl in a temple in Kyoto. He fell in love at first sight with her, but when he wanted to get to her, she was gone and only a crystal ball was on the spot. This ball since he wore every time he was traveling in Kyoto, with him, hoping he meets the girl again. Soon it became apparent that Kazuha Toyama was the girl. [1]
[Edit] Contemporary
Heijis root tuber of Chinese liquor
[Edit] Getting acquainted with Kogoro, Ran and Conan

Heiji appears in the detective agency Mori. He wants to meet Shinichi Kudo to determine whether it is worthy to be mentioned with him in one breath. From a conversation with Ran, which is concerned about the phone calls to Shinichi, Heiji closes right that Shinichi probably staying very close by Ran, because otherwise he would often ask how she is doing well now. He pours a drink and gives him Kogoro Conan on the pretext that this would help against his cold. At the end of the episode seems to have solved the riddle of Heiji and begins with the conclusion. Conan owes it Heiji that he has changed back in the short term Shinichi, brought thanks to the Chinese Knoll root brandy, the Heiji from Osaka. In his own body, he then turns up and makes the sometimes erroneous conclusions of Heiji correctly. Heiji admits afterwards that Shinichi had beaten him in the elucidation of the case, but Shinichi he opens his eyes and makes it clear again that it as a detective is not about the case Enlightenment as competition to it, but to bring the truth to light . Heiji looks a his zealousness.
[Edit] Heiji finds out Conan's true identity

Heiji finds out Conan's identity already at their second meeting. [2] This meeting will take place at an event for Sherlock Holmes fans. At the meeting, where participants can gain by solving some puzzles something, it comes unexpectedly to several deaths. When Heiji and Conan at the scene to determine Heiji draws soon suspect that Conan and Shinichi are the same person. As Conan him then even with one of his stunning arrows out of action is to be able to explain the case, Heiji watching a little too early again and watched the shrunken detective. Thus he finds out who Conan really is and there is a close friendship between the two.
[Edit] series of murders in Osaka

Heizo Hattori (Heijis father) and Mr. Toyama (Kazuha's father) talking about two murders. There are no similarities in the victims except one: both were stabbed with a knife through the wallet through the heart.

Conan and co. are located in Osaka after Heiji has invited them to himself. To accompany Sakata comes with a police officer and friend of Heiji and drives her around in a police car. In a restaurant to learn the three "Tokyo" Kazuha Toyama know Heijis childhood friend. This holds for Shinichi Kudo Ran first, to educate them Heiji and the other narrative, as he and Kazuha as small children from accidentally once handcuffed to each other. When all (including Kazuha) left the restaurant and in the car plan further Osaka tour, suddenly falls from the roof of a building a corpse on the hood of the car. In the breast of the man put a knife to the blade of the wallet of the victim is impaled. Heiji and Conan go into the building, fell from the roof of the body down and put a man to task who is staying there. It turns out that this has nothing to do with the murder, but only by a trick the body prepared to bring the case to the corpse sollte.Wieder watch the two detectives a woman who fled in panic from the scene.

In the police headquarters from Osaka to others about the Heiji clarified that the murder will be the third in a series of murders and was discussed with Ran and Kazuha on possible motives. The moment is added Sakata and says he has found a connection between the victims: The Secretary of the deputies Goshi was the first victim, while Goshis driver is the man who had landed in the morning on the hood of the police car. Kazuha Heiji asked is whether he has his good luck charm here. The trailer had already saved his life several times. Heiji affirmed and collapses immediately Sakata (cherishes the sound Heijis statement a grudge against the police) to Goshi. At this point falls on Kogoro that Conan is gone.

At Sakata in the car, meanwhile, Heiji opens the zipper of his jacket and leaves Conan, he was hiding out. On the way to think of Goshi Sakata, that he's phone number the woman had fled from the scene, found out and called there. The woman, Mrs. Okazaki, is afraid to be the next victim of the murderer, and wants Sakata comes by to protect them. When she called the address falls on Heiji that they had just driven past the road. As the next exit would come only after a long time, Heiji and Conan get out quickly and have to walk to the apartment of the woman. Once there, they find that open the door, and Mrs. Okazaki has disappeared. Heiji Sakata calls with the Handi, but says he does not know where is Mrs. Okazaki. The moment someone screams. Conan and Heiji immediately run to the man who was screaming. There, the two detectives find the body of Mrs. Okazaki: With a knife stabbed through their wallet through.

On the answering machine of the fourth victim, the police found two curious calls. The first call to the scene of the third woman Okazaki victim was ordered during the second call warned that they would come next.

Since there is still no sign, drive Sakata, Heiji and Conan back on the Members Goshi. On the way there is one Sakata on all the facts, which Heiji and Conan come out that the licenses are the victims of the lack of notice. Back at police headquarters also turns out very quickly that all the victims learned 20 years before in the same driving school driving. And the MPs Goshi and the notorious murderer Kiichiro Numabuchi had participated in this seminar. There are also indications that occurred at that time, something important. Heiji finds out after some research on the computer that then a driving instructor was killed in his car and died. The Fahrleher said Tetsuji Inaba. After it Heiji on a theory of the case and thinks that if they would appeal to the deputies Goshi all these facts on the head, he'll certainly cooperate. On the way to the car raised him, Conan and Ran suddenly Sakata, Kogoro, Kazuha and Commissioner Otaki from the main station opposite. Ran complains that she has been worried about Conan, and will take with him. Then Conan Heiji is his lucky charm, so that in return Conan retains a bit and go along with Ran.

On the way to get home Heijis Commissioner Otaki at once a call and communicate with Kogoro + support that the car was discovered by Numabuchi, and he absolutely had to it. In the said car, which is near an old abandoned house, arrived, Conan is also the same evidence that Numabuchi is not fled, but hidden in this house. The police found when searching the house but nothing to Conan on a trapdoor in the ceiling of the building meets. The attic is actually Numabuchi, handcuffed to a wooden seat.
[Edit] Current events
[Edit] The Hound of the Beikavilles

As Ran, and Conan Kogoro watch a film about a demon dog on TV, and connect Kazuha Heiji into the detective agency. In the following the high-school detective reported a case in which was supposed to be a real demon dog involved. Together with Conan Edogawa, he goes so as to Shinichi Kudo to go to the puzzle on the track. After this short time it is found dead, the two scour the crime scene from systematic. [3] Both are sure that Abukawa Funa is the culprit, what is not, however, turns out to be true. With Juzo Megure and Wataru Takagi they manage together, to find a message from the murderer. [4] After finding other members of the family Inubushi [5] solve Heiji and Conan the case to the demon dog together. [6]
[Edit] Special acquaintances and contacts
[Edit] Kazuha Toyama
Kazuha and Heiji argue

Kazuha Toyama is Heijis youth-girlfriend, who he knows already from his early childhood. Through close cooperation between their police and fathers Kazuha Heiji were often together, and grew up like brother and sister, with Kazuha even mentioned that she has held the role of big sister, and Heiji must always prevent them from getting silly. As Ran Shinichis is young love, young love is the Kazuha of Heiji [1], but the two deny vehemently. Often the two are arguing that another similarity is the relationship between Ran and Shinichi.
[Edit] Heizo Hattori

Heizo Hattori's father and Heijis Polizeipräsiddent of Osaka. Heijis has often tense relationship with him because his father keeps him fresh and cheeky and thinks that, boys and he had lost nothing of murder scenes. This setting is according to Commissioner Otaki not mask only that Heizo is worried about his son and wants to protect him.
[Edit] Shinichi Kudo / Conan Edogawa

When Heiji first meet on Conan / Shinichi, he challenges him to a duel. When Heiji loses and says that this round go to him, Shinichi replied that the Detektivsein is no competition, there is no "better" or "bad" out there, and it only comes to solve the case. Heiji is clearly impressed.

His second meeting with Conan takes place at an event for Sherlock Holmes fans. At the meeting, where participants can gain by solving some puzzles something, it comes unexpectedly to several deaths. When Heiji and Conan at the scene to determine Heiji draws soon suspect that Conan and Shinichi are the same person. As Conan him then even with one of his stunning arrows out of action is to be able to explain the case, Heiji watching a little too early again and watched the shrunken detective. Thus he finds out who Conan really is and there is a very close friendship between the two.

The "relationship" of the two detectives developed over time into a kind of big brother / little brother relationship with Heiji repeatedly behave towards protective of Conan, it also supports the clear up some cases. Nevertheless Conan Heiji / Shinichi called his best friend. Also Shinichi, Heiji called his best friend.
[Edit] skills and strengths
[Edit] detective work

Heiji is considered the best detective in Osaka. He came by his father to murder cases and was interested in fixing them. Shinichi Heiji often is compared to what often makes him for a bad mood because many people believe that Shinichi would be a better detective.
[Edit] Kendo

Heiji operates on the request of his mother since his early childhood, Kendo, a Japanese sword art. Through years of training he has become the second best Kendo fighters in the region. Thus, it is also the best fighter in his team, which he always takes up at competitions against the best opponents. During one of these competitions Heiji was the largest of its rival, Okita injured by the Senshin Secondary School in Kyoto, so that the fight had to be aborted. The wound is in the form of a scar behind the left ear Heijis still recognizable. Due to defeat this "humiliation" as he calls it, Heiji often speaks of it, Okita, who looks a lot like Shinichi, be sure to do what it is but never succeeded.

Often Heiji Kendo skills to help in dangerous situations and sometimes they even have saved his life

by detectiveconan-wiki.com


Source: https://www.deviantart.com/detective-conan-fans/journal/Heiji-Hattori-220400397

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